
How to run Filebeat with Docker and use it with ELK stack

We have seen how to install the ELK stack using  Docker Compose.
Now we add Filebeat, showing how to run it with Docker and use it with the ELK stack.
The final goal of this series of posts is in fact to show a complete example of how to read the logs of a microservice with Filebeat, and then to collect and visualize them through the ELK stack (ElasticsearchLogstashKibana).


How to install the ELK stack using Docker Compose

I’ll write a series of posts on how to use Filebeat to read the log files of a microservice, to collect and visualize them through the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana).

In this first post we will see a very simple way to have an ELK stack installed on your PC thanks to Docker Desktop and Docker Compose.

AWS Kubernetes

How to create a local storage class provisioner for Kubernetes to install Portainer on your AWS EC2 custom cluster

In this post we see how to install Portainer in a Kubernetes custom cluster.
To do this we use AWS EC2 to create our self-made Kubernetes cluster. Then we have to create first a local storage class provisioner through sig-storage-local-static-provisioner, because Portainer requires data persistence, as specified in its documentation.